September 13, 2009


How can Optimism be learned? There are many ways where human being can learn this positive psychology to improve their development in life and growth. Optimism goes against depression. When the feeling of positive -ness is there, we could learn to be more relaxed and not feel as if we are under a lot of pressure. Optimism could also prevent any disease which is connected to depression. It will improve one’s health condition after practicing this value in them. Through this value, we can bring out our own talent which is hidden and the achievement will make us proud one day. Getting enough of motivation is another way to learn optimism. Some encouragements to someone could create optimism among them.

Mothers who are closest to a child could contribute this positive psychology. Mother’s explanatory style gives either optimistic or pessimistic effect. Example, if a mother is not happy about the dress code her daughter is wearing. She could nicely inform her that she looks good but if she wears the other dress she will look great. This way she won’t feel too fat or too thin and her confidence will still be with her.

Another way to learn optimism is from adult criticism. Adult in a sense that parents and teachers behavior towards children. Example, teachers in conversation with the female students: You are not good in math or maybe you do not have confidence at all. Same goes to the male students, you did not get good results because you were not paying attention and so on. All this sounds more like discouragement, it should be more encouragement in their word like, you should practice more to achieve good marks in your math or even when you were not listening you got this marks, if you start paying attention properly than maybe you could get better grades.

Posted by: Milan


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