September 15, 2009

A subliminal message is a secret message embedded in another medium, designed to pass below the normal limits of the human minds perception. These messages are unrecognizable by the conscious mind, but in certain situations can affect the subconscious mind and can negatively or positively influence subsequent thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs. This is why subliminal messages in a way is a form of communication but in a discrete way, which somehow can affect our minds subconsciously.Subliminal message is a message usually hidden in audio or picture. It is not detectable easily but these messages basically influences our sub conscious mind. Most of these subliminal pictures has hidden sexual elements in it in order to implement it to those who views them. Some researches says that the effect of subliminal messages is rather insignificant and ineffective while others believe that they might cause some harm or confusion.Subliminal messages are commonly used in pictures. Subliminal messages hidden in pictures are part normally used as part of advertising campaigns with sellers believing that subliminal messages hidden in pictures with increase their product sell.

When a person is shown a subliminal message behind a picture, most people won’t notice it but somehow it affects our subconscious mind in a way where we wont realize it. Some also believes that subliminal messages in pictures can also have a positive effect. Most subliminal messages were often used in advertisements . For example, Wilson Bryan Key ( professor at the University of Western Ontario) found that in the Johnny Walker Scotch ads the ice cubes had images of screaming faces, skulls, and other horrific images. Other products in which subliminal messages have been used are beer products like Labatt's, tobacco products, alcohol products, food products, pharmaceutical products and sports equipment and even in drinks such as coke.

Do subliminal messages in pictures and advertisements exist? There has been no proof as yet that subliminal messages in pictures influences ones action compared to others. Many individuals have found that beneficial subliminal messages hidden in videos and movies have helped them to quit smoking, lose weight and conquer other bad habits. Hopefully, more scientific studies will be done and we can have a conclusive answer. Thus, subliminal messages in pictures do affect the mind unconsciously and it will influence our minds,beliefs and thoughts.

posted by: ahmad bashar


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