September 14, 2009

Message Overload

Message overload, according to what our lecturer Mr. Murali said was too much of information given by the speaker in one time and causes the receiver couldn’t fully receive the messages the speaker trying to sent. This happens a lot in our life, am I right? After having that lecture I kept thinking about the “message overload”. Actually how we can really know is that a message overload or just the receiver is not concentrate enough.

There is an example which I would like to state out which happens in my daily life. It would be in the classroom. Everyday, as a student, I have to attend several classes, listening lecturers talking and talking. Sometimes I do feel that keep on receiving information from the lecturer really burdens. Although lecturer will keep asking do the students understand, but students have to keep listening and on the other hand keep writing down the important details. It is actually no time for me to interpret all the information that received at that moment. For me it consider as a message overload. But of course I will admit that there are sometimes I will lack of concentration and start day dreaming.

There were once when I was in secondary school. I can still remember that that day I was asked to tell my class some important messages by my teacher, asking them to do some stuff on the other day. Because of I was in a rush, I spoke quite quick but with a lot of information and also all the words are hardly to be listen, which was told by my friends on the next day. I would consider that as a message overload also.

Thus, I think it is important to learn how to communicate , giving the messages in a correct way, in order to prevent the message overload to happen again.

this is an example of the person who can send a lot of message in a short period but not in the way of message overload.>>>>>

composed by Leong Shong Hon


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