October 8, 2009

1 Malaysia - A civil cultured society

We are all moving towards building a nation 1 Malaysia. Malaysia, as we know Malaysia is a melting pot of colours and faces with races such as Malay, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan and Dayak. We live in harmony and we have mutual respect for one another. Every citizen has an important role to play to build a society that is peaceful and law-abiding. As a result, we are able to attain peace and stability.

Remember the proverb, "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world". The building of good character begins from the cradle. The role of a mother is very important in shaping a child. Communication influences the way children think and act. Their minds absorb the information they learn. They express themselves better and become more creative in their thinking.

Children are constantly being exposed to diverse images, viewpoints and opinions on our customs and our traditions. The traditions that we follow shape our culture. Malaysia is truly a nation with a diversity found only in few places in the world. So, it's our dream to continue to build a civil cultured society that holds this nation together. A sense of pride in being who we are - 1 Malaysia

By Julien Lim Zhen-Wei


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